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I Am Honored To Be An Ordained Minister In The International Pentecostal Holiness Church!

It is my joy to serve as Pastor Of Senior Ministries at South Henderson Pentecostal Holiness Church.

I have the privilege of leading a Wednesday Morning Service which starts at 10 AM. The service features Praise and Worship, Strong Prayer Emphasis, and The Old-Time Preaching Of God's Word. Although, some of the latest Praise choruses are sung, we enjoy the traditional hymns and keeping the Old-Time Religion alive. The special prayer time for the lost, sick, and other needs is powerful, indeed. Of course, the service is designed for everyone; but, special emphasis is given to seniors and the disabled who are unable to get out at night or to attend evening functions. Because the service is at 10 in the morning, this also provides an opportunity for those in the community who may have other church obligations at the standard service times to be able to come in and join our fellowship as well. This, indeed, has proven fruitful. The Lord continues to bless us as we enjoy His presence. The ministry and fellowship continue to grow and we Praise God for that! By the way, a church alive is worth the drive! so come and join the wonderful congregation for a service, Soon! I think you will agree with me; that, Wednesday Morning is church, like church oughta be.

South Henderson Pentecostal Holiness Church is located at 905 Americal Road in Henderson, North Carolina.

Join Us Wednesday Morning at 10 For Worship, Praise, Prayer, And Preaching!

Go To The Ministry Podcast Page To Listen To The Current Episodes!

This is a Ministry of Faith and a Labor of Love. Because of the nature of these ministries and the wonderful people to whom God allows me to minister, there isn't much financial compensation. However, God is always faithful to supply the needs. I hope to continue working for our Lord until He calls me home or until He comes again to Rapture His saints. Amen!

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